Mastering ARIA Attributes: Clearer Coding For Better Web Accessibility

Implementing ARIA for Better Web & Digital Accessibility & Function 

ARIA, or Accessible Rich Internet Applications, also called WAI-ARIA, is a set of attributes that provide additional information about web content and user interface components to assistive technologies. By defining components clearly, correctly, and specifically, ARIA steps into the gap between web designers and developers and users with disabilities, making web content and online applications more accessible and inclusive. 


ARIA complements HTML by offering metadata that describes the purpose and behavior of elements of dynamic content and advanced user interface controls developed with Ajax, HTML, JavaScript, and related technologies. The additional semantics provided by ARIA help assistive technologies, like screen readers and braille readers, interpret and interact with complex sites. 

Semantics in Web Accessibility: ARIA Applied 

Semantics is the study of meaning, especially in language. It focuses on how words, phrases, and sentences convey meaning and how that meaning is interpreted. 

In the context of web accessibility, semantics refers to the meaningful structure of web content. A logical and meaningful element or functionality that is correctly described using semantics means that assistive technologies, such as screen readers, can accurately interpret the content and present it to users in a way that is both accessible and understandable. 

ARIA is a suite of semantic naming attributes (that is, a set of meaningful names in pre-defined code) that can be added to HTML elements to provide additional information. This information helps assistive technologies understand the purpose and role of elements, making them more accessible to users with disabilities. For example, using the ARIA role=”button” attribute on a <div> element indicates that it is meant to be interacted with like a button, even if it doesn't visually resemble a button. Think of the typical use of an organization’s logo as a clickable button element that returns the user to the home page. The ARIA button role acts as an instruction for a user who is blind, who then knows to treat the element as a button. 

Why Do We Need ARIA? 

ARIA attributes integrate seamlessly with HTML, allowing developers to assign roles (what an element does), states (on or off, for example), and properties (such as the order of successive elements), that are not natively supported by standard HTML elements. This integration makes rich internet applications accessible by providing necessary context to assistive technologies, so they can then convey information about interactive elements, like dropdowns and menu bars, to users with visual impairments. 

ARIA is a “why didn’t we think of this earlier?” add-on technology. Well, why didn’t we? Early web technologies lacked the sophistication to support complex accessibility features. HTML and CSS were primarily focused on presentation, not semantic structure. The web was evolving rapidly, with new technologies and standards constantly emerging, meaning there was also not enough standardization to make a system like ARIA work. Before ARIA, there were various proprietary accessibility solutions, which led to fragmentation and inconsistencies across different websites. And, many developers and designers simply weren't considering the experiences of users with disabilities. Widespread awareness and understanding of web and digital accessibility needs and best practices came later. This growing awareness, together with advancing technologies and increasing internet connectivity, created a demand and the capacity for a more standardized and comprehensive approach. 

Key ARIA Attributes & Their Uses 

ARIA Label 

This attribute is used to define a string that labels the current element. It is particularly useful in situations where a text label is not visually present, or where the element's content is not directly informative. For example, if an image is used as a button, an ARIA label can specify its function. Developers use the ARIA label to communicate the purpose of an element to assistive technology users, thus supporting web accessibility. 

ARIA Hidden 

The ARIA hidden attribute can hide an element from screen readers and other assistive technologies, meaning it is visually displayed but unavailable to users with disabilities. This can be useful for elements that serve a purely decorative purpose, like a fancy flourish or a non-essential photo on the page, or for elements that provide redundant information. 

The ARIA Hidden attribute can also be used to define content as “ignore this” for assistive technologies reading out content in complex layouts where elements are hidden or displayed dynamically. 

Tips for Using ARIA Hidden: Do make sure that hidden elements can still be accessed and interacted with using keyboard shortcuts or other assistive technologies if necessary. And, be mindful of how the hidden element might affect focus management. If it is part of a tabbable sequence, consider using the tabindex=”-1″ attribute to remove it from the focus order. 

Typical ARIA Use Cases 

For the purpose of web accessibility, ARIA is commonly used to: 

  • Define the purpose of elements: For instance, labeling an image as a button or a link. 
  • Provide context for complex user interface components: Explaining the function of interactive elements like sliders, progress bars, or tooltips. 
  • Improve the accessibility of custom controls: Making sure custom-built widgets are usable by assistive technologies. 
  • Improving the experience for users with disabilities: Providing clear and informative cues for screen readers and other assistive technologies. 

When set correctly, ARIA attributes are very useful. By defining explicit roles and behaviors, ARIA supports users with disabilities in navigating, interacting with, and accessing content in dynamic and complex web applications and websites. 

Implementing ARIA Attributes 

A Step-by-Step Guide 

  1. Identify Elements: Determine which elements in your web page need additional information for assistive technologies. Most often these will be interactive elements. 
  1. Assign Roles: Apply appropriate ARIA roles to these elements to define their nature and interaction model. For instance, assign role=”button” to div elements acting as buttons. Select the ARIA attribute that best describes the element's main purpose or behavior. In some cases, ARIA roles can provide additional context for elements, such as defining a region or a navigation landmark. 
  1. Add State & Property Attributes: Use ARIA states and properties to provide additional information about the element's current condition, like aria-expanded=”false” for collapsible elements. 
  1. Implement ARIA Labels: Where necessary, implement ARIA labels to provide descriptions for elements that do not have visible text labels. 
  1. Test with assistive technologies: Use screen readers and other tools to verify that the ARIA attributes are working as intended. 

Remember to assign meaningful, descriptive values to each attribute, and confirm that you are using only correct ARIA names. 

Common ARIA Mistakes To Avoid 

Overuse of ARIA: Don’t overuse it. Using ARIA when native HTML elements could do the job often complicates accessibility rather than improving it. Overusing ARIA can also clutter the code and make it harder to maintain. 

Incorrect Application of ARIA: Incorrectly applied ARIA can lead to confusing or misleading information for assistive technologies. When incorrect information is relayed to assistive technologies, it reduces the site’s usability for users with disabilities. For example, incorrect use of aria-hidden can hide crucial content from screen readers. Using the role=”button” attribute on an element that is not meant to be a button can cause problems for users who rely on keyboard navigation. 

Redundant ARIA: Redundant application of roles or attributes that replicate native HTML functionality can confuse screen readers and complicate things for users. Always choose native HTML over ARIA if it achieves the same result. 

ARIA & WCAG Accessibility Compliance 

Using ARIA Attributes to Build Out WCAG Specifications 

The WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) lays out standards and specifics on how to make web content accessible to people with disabilities. By using ARIA effectively, developers can make their web applications and websites more inclusive and meet requirements across WCAG's three levels of accessibility: A, AA, and AAA. 

WCAG Level A 

At this fundamental level, using ARIA roles to mark up structural elements correctly means that assistive technologies can accurately interpret the purpose and structure of the web content. For instance, ARIA can help provide alternative text for non-text content, ensuring that content is perceivable. And correctly applying role=”navigation” for navigation sections helps assistive technology users find and interact with navigation more effectively. 

WCAG Level AA 

This level deals with the broader range of accessibility issues that could hinder the user experience. ARIA can help achieve WCAG’s AA mid-level range of requirements, including making content operable and verifying that there are no keyboard traps. Proper use of ARIA labels and ARIA properties like aria-live for dynamic content such as live updates supports users with visual impairments in accessing the content in real-time, which is essential for AA compliance. 


Achieving this advanced level of compliance requires an extensive commitment to accessibility as well as some difficult juggling of contradicting clauses and technologies. Correct use of ARIA attributes, such as aria-details to provide additional context for complex content, supports this level by improving the user experience for those with more severe disabilities. 

ARIA use makes a lot of the internet and its interesting, useful, and necessary content accessible to users with disabilities. Aside from ethical considerations, web and digital accessibility is legally required in many countries around the world. Although the WCAG is not legally binding in itself, it is used as the basis for web accessibility legal decisions in courts and governments. 

ARIA can be used to define custom controls and provide information about their purpose and behavior, making them usable by assistive technologies, thus complying with WCAG standards and legal accessibility requirements. For example, using aria-live to manage dynamic content updates sets updates to be announced by screen readers without requiring users to refresh the page. This practice provides all users with timely access to updates, which aligns with WCAG criteria and is a key component in legal accessibility evaluations. 

Using ARIA attributes like aria-label and aria-describedby can make forms more accessible to screen reader users by providing clear labels and instructions. Applying aria-required for mandatory form fields makes the form accessible by informing users about required input fields. This straightforward communication helps meet legal standards as well. 

ARIA landmarks and navigation elements can help users with disabilities navigate complex websites more efficiently. Implementing role=”navigation” and aria-label on navigation elements clarifies structure and facilitates ease of movement through a site, directly impacting compliance with accessibility laws that mandate clear and navigable web designs. 

ARIA Testing Tools & Extensions 

Below are just a few of the many available digital accessibility testing tools

Accessibility Insights 

This browser extension from Microsoft helps developers identify accessibility issues, including ARIA-related problems. 


The WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool) extension provides detailed reports on a website's accessibility, working in Chrome. It highlights ARIA roles, properties, and errors directly within the page, making it easier to identify and correct issues. 

Axe DevTools 

This browser extension offers a comprehensive set of accessibility checks, including ARIA attribute validation. 

Visual ARIA 

This tool displays ARIA as it is used in web technologies, including a visual of ARIA 1.1 structure, live region, nesting and focus management. 

ARIA Validator 

This Chrome add-on lets you scan for ARIA implementation issues in your HTML page. It also flags duplicate HTML IDs. 

Accessibility Scanner 

This scanning and monitoring tool by UserWay scans your site in several ways, simultaneously, for more thorough coverage. 

ARC Toolkit 

This set of tools can be used to help identify accessibility issues in the context of the WCAG, including detailed checks on ARIA roles and attributes to assess proper implementation and compliance. 

For developers aiming to meet accessibility standards and improve the usability of their websites, leveraging these tools can help verify that their ARIA implementations are accurate, providing both validation and actionable insights into proper ARIA usage, and contributing to a more inclusive web. 

Learning ARIA 

Educational Resources 

To begin or deepen your understanding of ARIA and its best practices in web development, consider exploring the following: 

  • WebAIM's Introduction to ARIA: A comprehensive guide that covers basic to advanced concepts of ARIA, aimed at improving ARIA web accessibility. 
  • MDN Web Docs: The Mozilla Developer Network offers comprehensive documentation and tutorials on ARIA, including attributes, roles, examples and best practices. 
  • W3C WAI-ARIA Practices Guide: An official resource that outlines the practical application of ARIA in web development in detail, along with examples and recommendations for different types of web components. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provides the official specifications for ARIA. The W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) offers resources and guidelines on ARIA, including tutorials and best practices
  • LinkedIn Learning ARIA Courses: Features various courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels that teach ARIA label usage and other ARIA attributes effectively. 
  • Google Developers Web Accessibility Tutorials: Focuses on integrating ARIA attributes with HTML5 and other technologies to build accessible rich internet applications. 
  • Accessibility Communities: Joining online communities or forums dedicated to web accessibility can connect you with experts and give you a chance to learn from others' experiences rather than your own mistakes. 

Successful ARIA Implementations 

There’s no better place to learn good ARIA than a large, live website. Consider following examples from these corporations: 

  • Netflix has invested heavily in accessibility, including the widespread use of ARIA attributes to make their platform accessible to users with disabilities. 
  • Amazon‘s website and apps extensively utilize ARIA to improve shopping experiences and make their services fully accessible for a wide range of users. Their use of ARIA labels and roles has made navigation and product interaction substantially more accessible. 
  • The New York Times has implemented ARIA to make their news articles and interactive content accessible to users with disabilities. 
  • Microsoft Office Online uses ARIA attributes extensively in its Word, Excel, and PowerPoint web applications, among others, to ensure that all features are accessible via screen readers and other assistive technologies. 

The Impact of Proper ARIA Usage 

Proper ARIA usage dramatically improves the digital and online user experience for people with disabilities. By providing clear and informative cues, ARIA helps assistive technologies interpret web content accurately, making it easier for users to navigate and consume information. This leads to a more inclusive and equitable web experience for everyone. Using ARIA can also help organizations comply with accessibility regulations, demonstrating their commitment to inclusivity. 

Limitations of ARIA 

Understanding ARIA's Boundaries 

While ARIA is a powerful tool for improving web accessibility, it has certain limitations. One major constraint is that ARIA cannot modify browser behavior; it only affects how content is communicated to assistive technologies. This means that ARIA cannot fix underlying accessibility issues caused by poor HTML semantics. For instance, if an interactive element is incorrectly marked up as a static element, ARIA cannot make it behave like an interactive element. ARIA also can only work insofar as it is correctly implemented by developers. If ARIA attributes are used incorrectly or inconsistently, it can lead to confusing or misleading information for assistive technologies. 

ARIA can be challenging to implement for dynamic content that changes frequently. ARIA attributes must be updated correctly to reflect the current state of the content, which can be difficult. And, due to differences in platforms and technologies, ARIA may not work consistently for every user, depending on their technology and browser combination. This is especially apparent when integrating ARIA into older web applications or websites with complex codebases. Modernization efforts may be necessary to fully leverage ARIA's benefits. 

Scenarios Where ARIA Falls Short 

There are scenarios where ARIA cannot provide the necessary accessibility support: 

  1. Text Alternatives for Images: If an image serves a critical function, such as a CAPTCHA, ARIA cannot provide the necessary text alternatives. In such cases, additional HTML elements or JavaScript must be used to offer descriptive text outside of the ARIA framework. 
  1. Complex User Inputs: For complex interactions requiring detailed user input, like drawing on a canvas, ARIA labels might not sufficiently describe the interaction or capture the user's input method. Alternative scripting solutions are required to guide and support the user. 
  1. Base HTML Limitations: ARIA cannot correct poor semantic HTML practices. For example, if a table is used for layout purposes instead of data presentation, ARIA cannot rectify the resulting accessibility issues. Proper HTML structure is required from the outset. 

For some highly interactive or custom-built components, ARIA may simply not be sufficient. If ARIA cannot provide enough information for assistive technologies to understand the behavior of certain complex interactions, it can be wiser to use more advanced accessibility techniques. In these cases, alternative approaches like creating custom JavaScript widgets with accessibility in mind may be necessary. 

ARIA Advances 

Community-Driven ARIA Standards Development 

The ongoing development of ARIA standards is driven by community feedback and collaboration, contributing heavily to the refining and advancing of ARIA practices. Developers, accessibility experts, and end users contribute to the ARIA discourse through forums, beta testing, and formal feedback mechanisms provided by the W3C. This input means that ARIA remains relevant as web technology and web accessibility continue to evolve; it moves ARIA ahead in response to real-world challenges faced by users with disabilities, leading to more practical accessibility solutions. 

Strengthening Web Accessibility with ARIA 

Integrating ARIA into web development practices acts on a commitment to making the digital world accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities. By understanding and correctly implementing ARIA, developers significantly improve the user experience for people who use assistive technologies. As these standards continue to undergo refinement through community engagement, ARIA's role in web accessibility will only grow stronger, helping keep the web an inclusive space for everyone. 


How is ARIA different from HTML? 

HTML is the fundamental language used to structure web content. ARIA provides additional metadata that describes the purpose and behavior of HTML elements, offering information that is not directly conveyed in the HTML markup. 

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