LinkedIn Accessibility & Inclusion

Equal Access Professional Networking Online 

LinkedIn's primary goal is to create a space where professionals can connect, find jobs, and recruit talent. To create and cultivate an inclusive, accessible business networking environment, the social media networking giant has implemented multiple accessibility initiatives, including the integration of accessibility features directly into the platform's design, the creation of diversity and inclusion programs, and building partnerships with organizations dedicated to accessibility advocacy. These initiatives align with LinkedIn's guiding mission: to connect the world's workforce inclusively and accessibly, so that everyone can effectively use and benefit from the networking and career opportunities this powerful platform has to offer. 


Why Is LinkedIn Accessibility Important? 

An accessible business networking platform provides a better user experience for everyone. When the platform is designed with accessibility in mind, it is easier for everyone to use and navigate. For people with disabilities, LinkedIn accessibility is invaluable. Working people with disabilities need and deserve equal opportunities to connect with others, find job opportunities, hire employees, and build their professional networks. It’s also worth noting that in many countries, accessibility is a legal requirement. Businesses and organizations that fail to comply with accessibility laws may face legal consequences. 

LinkedIn's Accessibility Features 

LinkedIn's Accessibility Mode is part of the platform’s interface. This comprehensive set of features allows adjustments to the platform's appearance and functionality to accommodate users with visual, hearing, or cognitive impairments. It is designed to optimize usability for users with widely varying needs. 

You can use LinkedIn’s Accessibility Mode on posted documents on the platform as well. If you hover a cursor over a document that’s been posted on LinkedIn (such as a resume), an Accessibility Mode button appears. After a quick scan, a sub menu opens, where you can choose viewing options including a page locator, a zoom-in or zoom out option, and Fit to Page. 

Accessibility mode includes: 

  • Text-to-Speech 
    Articles and posts on LinkedIn can be read aloud, aiding users with low vision, blindness, and other visual disabilities. 
  • High Contrast Mode 
    Boosts visibility and reduces strain by switching to a higher contrast color scheme. For video, this viewing option is only available on the LinkedIn mobile application. Read through to Video Captions below for specific directions for mobile. 
  • Keyboard Navigation 
    Users can navigate through the site using keyboard shortcuts, helpful for those unable to use a traditional mouse. 
  • Screen Reader Support 
    LinkedIn is compatible with leading screen readers, which announce text and interactive elements on the screen. Try adding your professional skills using your preferred screen reader: it’s been tested with JAWS, Narrator, NVDA in Edge, VoiceOver, the iOS native screen reader, and Android’s TalkBack. Many other screen reader tasks are also available. 
  • Accessibility Support 
    Besides for multiple options for contacting support, including a specific help page dedicated to screen reader user support, LinkedIn also offers a disability help desk option via Be My Eyes, the free application that connects volunteers offering live visual assistance with blind or visually disabled users. 
  • Customizable Font Sizes 
    Users can adjust text size across the site for better readability. 
  • Immersive Reader 
    This Microsoft-based tool helps you focus on LinkedIn desktop content by isolating your main reading material and removing distractions. It also offers picture display for common words, text-to-speech voice style and speed options, speech highlights, syllable splitting, live language translation, and more. The tool only works for articles published directly on LinkedIn, and can only be used on the desktop version of the website. 

Other LinkedIn features and options designed to help users improve and enjoy accessibility include: 

  • Image Descriptions 
    Users can add descriptive text to images, providing context for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers. 
  • Video Captions 
    Users can add captions or subtitles to videos, making them accessible to users with hearing impairments. These can be generated automatically or uploaded from custom files. 

    To Display Video Captions: For videos directly uploaded to LinkedIn, captions will be displayed when they are enabled. On desktop, click on the double-C Captions icon at the video’s lower right to show or hide captions. On mobile, tap the video, then tap the More icon at the video’s upper right. In the popup, you can show or hide closed captions. You can also turn on high contrast for video in this popup. 
  • Pre-Publish Accessibility Checker 
    This built-in tool prompts users to check the accessibility of their posts before publishing. 

LinkedIn Accessibility Features By Disability 

High-contrast mode 
Adjustable font size 
Screen reader compatibility 
Image description text 
Audio descriptions for images 
Keyboard navigation 
Captions and subtitles for videos 
Simplified language 
Clear navigation 
Consistent layout 

Simplifying Language On Socials: Less Is More Accessible 

Many people writing LinkedIn posts as well as posts for other social media platforms don’t consider the readability level of their content. They may not be aware that many adults have quite a low literacy level: as of current data, 54% of adults in the United States test at below sixth grade literacy level, and 20% are below the fifth grade reading level. This is especially pronounced in low-income areas, in the U.S. and around the world. In Canada, schools are changing the way they teach reading based on low literacy rates in students. Similarly, in the UK, one out of every six people has a reading age of lower than level one, that is, a five-to-seven-year old’s average literacy level. If you’d like to test and improve your content’s readability, you can use a free tool called Hemmingway to assess the estimated reading level of your text, and to offer suggestions on how to make it easier to read. Regardless of the cause of low reading abilities, which can range from cognitive and neurodevelopmental disabilities to aging-related difficulties, simplifying your content makes it easier to consume for the significant segment of the population that has trouble reading. And reevaluating the length and clarity of your own text is never a bad idea in any case. 

LinkedIn Tools and Settings 

To improve usability and accessibility, LinkedIn offers many other tools and settings that users can customize: 

  • Notifications: Manage user notifications to receive only relevant updates, reducing cognitive overload. 
  • Search Filters: Refine search results using filters to find specific information or connections. 
  • Profile Settings: Customize user profile settings, such as privacy options and language preferences. 
  • Accessibility Settings: Enable/disable or adjust accessibility features via a quick shortcut in the user profile. 
  • Language Preferences: Supports multiple languages. 
  • Profile Pronunciation Guide: Users can record how to pronounce their names. 
  • Help Center: Access the Help Center for assistance and troubleshooting. 
  • LinkedIn Learning: Access LinkedIn Learning courses to develop new skills and advance careers. 
  • LinkedIn Groups: Join groups related to interests and connect with like-minded professionals. 

LinkedIn's Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives 

LinkedIn actively promotes diversity and inclusion within its network and on its platform. Some of its strategies include: 

  • Inclusive Hiring Practices 
    LinkedIn boosts job listings that demonstrate a commitment to diversity, encouraging employers to develop inclusive job descriptions and recruitment strategies. 
  • Diversity & Inclusion Programs 
    LinkedIn offers programs and resources to educate users and to encourage inclusive behavior. 
  • Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) 
    Within LinkedIn itself, these groups support diverse employee demographics, providing resources and building community within the workplace. 
  • Data-Driven Insights 
    LinkedIn uses data to identify and address biases within its platform, working towards creating a more equitable experience for all users. 
  • Accessibility Conformance Reports 
    In accordance with global accessibility standards and in compliance with laws mandating web and digital accessibility, LinkedIn provides Accessibility Conformance Reports (ACRs) to provide transparency on product accessibility levels. 

By continuously developing features that support accessibility and actively encouraging inclusive practices, LinkedIn strives to maintain a supportive and welcoming environment where all working professionals can thrive. 

LinkedIn's Commitment to Accessibility 

Leveraging sophisticated algorithms along with moderation policies to offer equal visibility and opportunities to all users, LinkedIn works to build and implement policies and processes that aim to prevent discrimination and encourage fair treatment, regardless of background or disability. LinkedIn reviews and updates its algorithms continually to address potential biases and verify that content is equitably displayed. 

To maintain WCAG web and digital accessibility compliance, LinkedIn follows several strategies: 

  • Accessibility Guidelines 
    LinkedIn uses industry-standard accessibility guidelines, such as WCAG, to inform its design and development processes. 
  • Regular Accessibility Audits 
    LinkedIn conducts regular accessibility audits of its platform to identify and address any potential barriers that could impede full participation by all users. 
  • Continuous Monitoring & Updating 
    Along with and in response to audits, LinkedIn works to monitor for and rectify accessibility issues. 
  • Collaboration with Accessibility Experts 
    LinkedIn engages accessibility experts to refine and update the platform’s compliance measures. 
  • User Testing 
    LinkedIn involves users with disabilities in testing its platform to directly gather feedback and ensure accessibility. 
  • User Feedback Implementation 
    LinkedIn actively seeks and incorporates user feedback to continuously improve accessibility. This process includes regular surveys and user testing sessions. Users can also provide feedback through regular channels, such as the Help Center or social media. LinkedIn analyzes this feedback to identify areas for improvement and prioritize updates accordingly. By incorporating user suggestions as they come in, LinkedIn can persistently better its accessibility. 

Some of the adjustments made by LinkedIn to increase platform accessibility include: 

  • Introduction of Voice Navigation 
    Allowing users to navigate the platform through voice commands. 
  • Enhanced Visual Design 
    Implementing a more intuitive interface with clearer labels and instructions, which aids users with cognitive impairments. 
  • Improved Screen Reader Compatibility 
    LinkedIn has optimized its compatibility with screen readers to provide a more seamless experience for users with visual disabilities. 
  • Standardized Accessibility Job Titles 
    With the increased awareness around accessibility, there has been a rise in job postings for accessibility roles, and in response, LinkedIn created job titles such as Chief Accessibility Officer and Accessibility Engineer. Standardizing titles in this way means that these job postings or profiles are easier to search and find, and they don’t get lost in the shuffle. 

LinkedIn Accessibility Resources & Training 

LinkedIn has a variety of resources and training materials available to educate its users on accessibility. These include: 

  • Help Center Articles: The Help Center provides articles on accessibility topics, such as using screen readers or adjusting font size. 
  • Accessibility Training: LinkedIn offers training materials and workshops on accessibility best practices. 
  • Accessibility Courses: On LinkedIn, users can find many paid and free courses, including courses on accessibility and diversity, equity and inclusion. 
  • Accessibility Guidelines: LinkedIn provides specific guidelines for creating accessible content, such as writing descriptive alt text for images. 

LinkedIn also offers tools and guides to help organizations create more inclusive profiles and job postings: 

  • Accessibility Checklist: This helps organizations check that their profiles and job postings are accessible to all users. 
  • Diversity and Inclusion Hub: This DEI hub page includes multiple resources and strategies for building diversity and inclusion in the workplace. 

By integrating comprehensive accessibility measures and resources, LinkedIn strives to maintain an inclusive environment where every professional can succeed. 

How LinkedIn Integrates User Feedback 

LinkedIn actively encourages feedback from its community to improve accessibility features. Users can provide feedback through various channels, such as the Help Center or social media. LinkedIn analyzes this feedback to identify areas for improvement and prioritize updates accordingly. 

LinkedIn has formed partnerships with external disability advocacy organizations to enhance the platform's inclusivity and accessibility. These partnerships provide valuable insights and expertise, helping LinkedIn to address the specific needs of users with disabilities. 

While LinkedIn has made significant strides in accessibility, ongoing challenges remain, including issues navigating landmarks via screen reader in LinkedIn’s complex interface, and the problematic use of carousel slides. Users are also still hoping for more accessible document sharing options, greater availability of sign language interpreters for live events, and more fine-tuned accessibility filters for job searches. LinkedIn may be working on other accessibility improvements as well. Keeping up with technological advancements and expanding accessibility across diverse devices and browsers can be demanding. And, addressing the evolving needs of users with different types of disabilities requires ongoing innovation and adaptation. 

LinkedIn: Accessibility Ahead 

LinkedIn plans to continue expanding its accessibility features and initiatives. This includes exploring emerging technologies including artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance the platform's usability for users with disabilities. LinkedIn also intends to strengthen its partnerships with disability advocacy organizations and promote accessibility awareness among its user community. 

By addressing its challenges and pursuing its far-reaching accessibility goals, LinkedIn aims to create a more inclusive and accessible platform that empowers professionals of all backgrounds to connect, learn, and grow. 


How can I make my LinkedIn profile more accessible? 

Use clear and concise language, add descriptive alt text to images, and keep your profile information logically structured and easy to read and understand. 

How does LinkedIn make sure any new features comply with accessibility regulations? 

Before launching new features, LinkedIn conducts thorough testing, including user testing with diverse groups, to confirm their compliance with accessibility regulations. 

Top 5 Accessibility