UsableNet Review

A Leading Provider of Accessible Website Solutions

Our Rating

What is UsableNet?

UsableNet has dedicated two decades to advancements in digital accessibility. The company has maintained its core mission from its start: to develop new tools to make websites user-friendly for everyone. This mission goes beyond a company goal: making the internet accessible to all. It's about allowing everyone, no matter their challenges, to engage in the digital world. UsableNet works to remove online obstacles for those with visual, auditory, cognitive, or physical challenges.



UsableNet is committed to making the internet accessible to everyone. Now a notable name in the technology sector, they also release a digital accessibility report each year discussing top trends around the ADA and litigation regarding digital accessibility violations. UsableNet is also a strong advocate for accessibility, and the company works to raise awareness of the importance of accessibility.



UsableNet offers a variety of tools and services that help businesses make their websites accessible to people with disabilities. UsableNet does not have a widget, and does not promote the use of widgets or overlays.


  • Comprehensive range of accessibility solutions

  • Experienced and knowledgeable staff

  • Customizable solutions to fit the needs of businesses of all sizes

  • Time-saving

  • Integrates easily with JIRA



  • High learning curve

  • No fully automated accessibility widget option

  • Solutions require technical knowledge to implement

  • Subject matter experts (SME) must review results

  • Integration may require customization for some platforms



  • Compliance monitoring

  • Task management

  • Dynamic crawling

  • Automated testing & scans

  • Real user testing

  • Ongoing real-time monitoring available

  • Optimization guidance


Est. 2000

Founded in 2000, UsableNet has championed digital inclusivity for over two decades, serving a strong community of users. Navigating the challenges of online accessibility, the firm has accumulated vast knowledge, marking its spot as a veteran in the field.

36 unique patents

UsableNet has 36 unique patents on file. Their most popular topics are:


– Network security

– Cybersecurity

– Software testing

Approval rating

UsableNet's CEO, Nick Taylor, currently has an approval rating of 86%. For companies in digital testing, especially when their work touches on the areas of information security, one metric that stands out as demonstrating a solid reputation and a greater client trust level is CEO approval rating.


$22 million

The annual revenue for UsableNet is estimated by some to be in the range of about 22 to 25 million USD, although no specifics are provided directly by the company itself.


4.5/5 stars

With an average 4.5 rating across several review sites including G2 and GetApp, UsableNet AQA is considered a helpful and friendly solution by a majority of the users who reviewed it.

AsableNet history

Founded in 2000 by accessibility experts, UsableNet has helped thousands of businesses make their websites accessible, and the company's products and services are used by a large number of people around the world.


Early on, UsableNet collaborated with public agencies, academic institutions, and big businesses. Now that accessibility is recognized as essential for businesses everywhere, UsableNet delivers its expertise to a wide range of clients: top-tier corporations, emerging businesses, public entities, and educational bodies.


In 2020, UsableNet forged a strategic partnership with TTC, an accessibility testing firm, to strengthen their digital accessibility services. Conjointly, they aim to bring improved online experiences to a broader audience, addressing the ever-growing demand for inclusive digital solutions.

UsableNet's goals and performance

UsableNet's goal is to help businesses make their websites accessible and compliant with accessibility laws and regulations. The company offers a variety of solutions to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. UsableNet's products and services are easy to use and affordable, and the company provides excellent customer support.


UsableNet strives to foster a more inclusive digital landscape, a commitment clearly showcased in their range of accessibility testing and consulting services. Developed with precision and a profound understanding of user needs, these services are oriented toward ensuring every individual can seamlessly engage with digital platforms, irrespective of their challenges. UsableNet's extensive industry expertise underscores the company's core mission: to align digital platforms with recognized accessibility standards.

Does UsableNet Have a Widget?

UsableNet is a leading provider of accessibility solutions for websites. The company offers a variety of tools and services that help businesses make their websites accessible to people with disabilities. However, UsableNet does not have a widget. It does offer the AQA tool, which has been described as either a browser plugin or a cloud-based service. It’s probably more accurately a combination of the two.


The AQA tool is a powerful accessibility testing tool that can be used to identify and fix accessibility problems on websites. According to UsableNet, it is a more comprehensive and effective solution than a widget, as it can test a website for a wide range of accessibility problems. You can decide for yourself what works for you.

What are the Differences Between a Widget, a Browser Plugin, and Cloud-Based Services?

A widget is a small piece of software that can be added to a website. It typically provides a specific functionality, such as a search bar or a social media feed. Widgets are often easy to install and use, but they can be difficult to maintain and update. They can sometimes also introduce accessibility problems of their own. For accessibility purposes, widgets are sometimes also called overlays. They work by adding a layer of code on top of the existing website code. The benefit of this type of software is that it can create fixes in place, without changing the underlying functionality or code whatsoever.


A browser plugin is a piece of software that is installed on a user's computer. It can be used to enhance the functionality of a website or to add new features. Browser plugins are typically more powerful and flexible than widgets, and they may be less likely to introduce accessibility problems.


Cloud-based services are software that is hosted and maintained on a remote server. This means that users can access the software from any device with an internet connection. Cloud-based services are typically more scalable and reliable than traditional software, but they can also be more expensive. In this case, the cloud-based services provided are mostly accessibility testing which is then fulfilled by UsableNet accessibility and development professionals. This is in contrast to a more fully automated solution: the cloud-based service may not be able to fix things on its own.





Browser Plugins

Cloud-based Services


Small pieces of software that can be added to a website

Pieces of software that are installed on a user's computer

Software that is hosted and maintained on a remote server


Typically provide a specific functionality, such as a search bar or a social media feed

Can be used to enhance the functionality of a website or to add new features

Can be used to provide a wide range of functionality, such as file storage, email, and collaboration tools


Easy to install and use

Can be more difficult to install, depending on the plugin

Typically easy to install and use


Can be difficult to maintain and update

Can be more difficult to maintain and update, depending on the plugin

Typically easier to maintain and update


Can introduce accessibility problems

Less likely to introduce accessibility problems

Typically less likely to introduce accessibility problems


Not scalable

Scalable to some extent



Not as reliable as cloud-based services

More reliable than widgets, but not as reliable as cloud-based services

More reliable than widgets and browser plugins


Typically free

Can range in price from free to hundreds of dollars per month

Can range in price from free to hundreds of dollars per month


Can be a security risk if not properly maintained

Can be a security risk if not properly maintained

Typically more secure than widgets and browser plugins


May not have as much support as cloud-based services

May not have as much support as cloud-based services

Typically offer a variety of support options, such as 24/7 customer support

How does the UsableNet widget-less AQA tool work?


The AQA tool has been characterized as either a browser add-on or a cloud-based solution. However, it is more accurately a hybrid. The AQA tool scans website pages for accessibility problems; it can identify a wide range of problems, including:


  • Missing alt text for images
  • Unreadable text
  • Insufficient contrast
  • Animations that are too fast or disruptive
  • Links that are not accessible to screen readers

The AQA tool also provides recommendations for fixing the problems that it finds.


The AQA tool streamlines manual and automated accessibility testing. You can use AQA to identify, test, and report on your digital accessibility and demonstrate WCAG and ADA compliance on your website.


With AQA, you can perform the following tasks:


  • Conduct manual accessibility audits
  • Perform automated testing
  • Add the Chrome extension for developers
  • Integrate with DevOps and popular ticketing systems such as Jira
  • Test prototype pages
  • Automatically detect and separate components

What Does UsableNet Offer Besides the Widget-less AQA Tool?

UsableNet provides automated screen reader reporting and real user testing to help businesses make their websites accessible. Their services go beyond what most businesses can do internally, and they ensure that websites are not only accessible, but also optimized for users in the disability community.

UsableNet also provides comprehensive website accessibility analysis and ongoing monitoring to help businesses ensure that their websites meet the WCAG 2.1 AAA accessibility guidelines. Their services identify accessibility issues and provide suggestions for optimizations to make websites more accessible to people with disabilities.

UsableNet’s accessibility solutions include:

Accessibility consulting

UsableNet's consultants can help businesses assess their websites for accessibility and make recommendations for improvement.


UsableNet offers training courses on accessibility for businesses and individuals.

Managed services

UsableNet can manage the accessibility of a business's website on an ongoing basis.

Custom development

UsableNet can develop custom accessibility solutions for businesses with specific needs.

Why Doesn’t UsableNet Have a Widget?

UsableNet does not have a widget because they believe widgets are not a sustainable solution for accessibility. Widgets are add-ons that are installed on top of a website. They can be difficult to use and maintain, and they can introduce accessibility problems of their own.


UsableNet believes that the best way to make a website accessible is to build it with accessibility in mind from the start. This means using accessible design principles and incorporating accessibility features into the website's code.

UsableNet Widget-Less AQA Plugin Interface and Usability

The AQA tool is a powerful and effective tool for identifying and fixing accessibility problems on websites. However, it is important to note that the AQA tool is not a silver bullet. It is still important to have a comprehensive accessibility strategy in place, and to use the AQA tool as part of that strategy.


The AQA tool is not a widget, but it does use a browser plugin. The main difference between a widget and a browser plugin is that a browser plugin is installed on the user's computer, while a widget is installed on the website. This means that a browser plugin is less likely to introduce accessibility problems, as it is not as dependent on the website's code.


The AQA tool is a valuable tool for businesses that are serious about making their websites accessible. However, it is important to understand its limitations and to use it as part of a comprehensive accessibility strategy.

usablenet aqa

Installation and integration

How to Install the Widget-Less UsableNet AQA


Because the AQA website accessibility management platform is cloud-based SaaS (software as a service), there is nothing to install. Once you are registered as a user, you can sign in and use AQA directly. However, the tool tests websites only, and cannot be used for applications.


What are UsableNet Plug-In Integration Options?


The UsableNet AQA plugin supports integration with Jira and Jenkins. To understand more about how to integrate AQA with either of these successfully, contact UsableNet or use their chat, FAQs, forum, or knowledge base.


There is also an API available.


Prerequisites for the Widget-Less UsableNet AQA


Simply put, you must have an up-to-date functional computer and online access, as well as an updated browser. Beyond that, some functional knowledge is needed.


Maintaining Widget-Less UsableNet AQA Effectiveness


As a SaaS (software as a service) tool, AQA does not require user-side technical maintenance besides for regular browser updates. But, users do need to remain in touch with UsableNet team members in order to complete the process of accessibility testing and management.


Judgment Time: Is UsableNet Beneficial?

For Users with Disabilities


Once testing and remediation has been completed from the organization running UsableNet AQA, users will benefit from a more accessible website. There does not appear to be end-user interaction with these tools whatsoever.


For Business Owners


UsableNet is a good option for businesses that want to make their websites accessible. The company has a long history of providing high-quality accessibility solutions, and its AQA tool is a powerful and effective tool for identifying and fixing accessibility problems. UsableNet also offers a variety of other accessibility solutions, such as accessibility consulting and training.


Overall, UsableNet is a good option for businesses that are serious about making their websites accessible. The company offers a wide range of solutions that can be customized to fit the needs of any business. The company does not have a widget, but it does offer a browser plugin called the AQA tool. The AQA tool is a powerful and effective tool for identifying and fixing accessibility problems on websites. If you are looking to make your website accessible, UsableNet is a good option to consider.


UsableNet Widget-Less Accessibility Solutions Summary

UsableNet is a leading provider of accessible website solutions. The company does not have a widget, and does not promote the use of widgets or overlays. UsableNet believes that the best way to make a website accessible is to build it with accessibility in mind from the start. UsableNet is committed to making the internet accessible to everyone, and the company offers a variety of solutions that can help businesses make their websites accessible and compliant with accessibility laws and regulations.

The UsableNet AQA tool is a valuable asset for improving website accessibility. Its cloud-based architecture and extensive testing capabilities make it one of the leading web accessibility tools available. While there are some areas that could be improved, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, making it a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.


The AQA tool is easy to use and does not require any setup. It also offers a wide range of customization features and automatic updates, making it a good choice for businesses that want to improve their website accessibility without a lot of hassle.



As UsableNet continues to develop and refine its offerings, it is helping to make the internet a more universally accessible platform for all users.


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